social competitions

Organising a competition is a great way to increase customer engagement. It can generate buzz about your brand and encourage people to buy your products. Customers like the excitement of winning a prize and the chance to win it for free. There are numerous ways to run a contest. Below are some ideas to get your customers involved.

Create an email campaign to promote your competition. Include a strong call-to-action that will lead your audience to the contest landing page. If you have a small email list, you can build it and promote your competition to your existing audience. If you don’t have an email list, consider building one and then promoting your competition to existing customers and subscribers. People have the opportunity to win big prizes from competitions on social media through competition companies in Ireland. 

How to run a Facebook competition

  1. Write the instructions. Decide on the prize and use the word WIN! or GIVEAWAY! to draw attention to your post. …
  2. Create a graphic. …
  3. Write Terms & Conditions. …
  4. Share your Facebook promotion. …
  5. Choose and contact the winner. …
  6. Tell people who won!

What happens if I break Facebook competition rules?

Every day I see plenty of businesses who are, by accident or design, flouting Facebook’s well-defined rules and may be getting away with it. But would you really want to risk losing your business page if you were found out? Your competitors who are sticking to the rules may even “shop” you – so beware.

The rules still give you plenty of great promotional opportunities on Facebook, and you can also consider hosting a promotion on your own blog or website where you have complete control and freedom. The best approach is to create an optimised landing page, and then let people know about it via Facebook (and Twitter or Instagram, if it’s appropriate).